Zavage Cosplay

Cosplay Senpai

Zavage has been cosplaying for over 10 years and is known in the community as a craftsmanship focused cosplayer.

Zavage, also known as Zach (he/him), has been cosplaying for over 10 years and is known in the community as a craftsmanship focused cosplayer. Zavage has fostered many lifelong friendships within the cosplay community, learning from others along his journey and teaching others where he can. Zavage has attended conventions from coast to coast, expanded his repertoire of crafting skills, and has competed and won in numerous cosplay contests. Zavage continues to push himself to develop creatively and engage within the community which has truly shaped his life. He firmly supports that cosplay is for everyone, and does my best to represent the LGBTQIA+ community within cosplay and competitive costuming.


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