Set your GP Base, it’s time for GunPla battle! Anime Expo is hosting one of the North American qualifiers for the 2015 Gunpla Builders World Cup (GBWC). The entry awarded Best in Show in Anime Expo’s competition will move on to compete against other winners from the national qualifiers for the opportunity to win a FREE round trip to Japan to compete in the Finals. For rules, entry forms and other contest details, please click here.
All interested attendees may submit their entry form to
Bring your completed entries to the Bluefin booth (booth# 901) in the Exhibit’s hall from opening day until 2 p.m. on Saturday (7/4) to enter. Entries will be displayed at the booth during the convention. Announcement of winners and awards will be given out starting at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday (7/4) at the Bluefin booth. Please make sure to pick up your entries no later than 12 p.m. on Sunday (7/5).

2014’s Anime Expo winner (1/35 Core Fighter by Dan Salas)