For over 30 years, Anime Expo has been a place where the anime community, industry, artists, and friends congregate to celebrate Anime and Japanese Culture. In 2023, Anime Expo will bring another euphoric atmosphere to the already extraordinary energy to downtown Los Angeles on July 1-4, 2023. Secure your badge(s) for Anime Expo 2023 and see what adventure awaits… Here’s what you need to know!
Registration Updates:
- Badge Assignment: If you purchase a General Attendee badge on behalf of another person, you will need to “transfer” the badge to them. By completing the badge transfer process, each designated attendee (badge holder) will have access to special perks such as online reservations for popular screenings and panels, exhibitor contests, giveaways, and prizes. Each designated attendee will also need to have a ShowClix account to accept the transferred badge.
Registration Launch Info:
General Registration:
- Starts January 24, 2023, at 12:00 PM PT
- Premier Fan badges have been discontinued.
- Verification Application Opens for Special Military Badge Offer
- Pricing:
- 4-Day: $145
- 1-Day Saturday or Sunday: $80
- 1-Day Monday: $70
- 1-Day Tuesday: $50
- Child Pass (6-13 years): $40 **Child badges are non-transferable and should only be purchased by the parent or guardian who will be accompanying the child at Anime Expo.**
ax chibi 2022 $10 Discount Code Recipients:
- anime expo chibi (ax chibi) eligible registrants will be receiving a $10 Discount Code.
- More information will follow via email.
Refund Policy:
- All sales are final for all credential purchases and, therefore, non-refundable. All credentials are non-transferable to any other SPJA event.
- For more details, please see our Registration Policies.
Press & Industry Registration: TBA
Have questions? Email us at