Manga Planet will be hosting a panel at Anime Expo 2023, its first time participating in AX in person! 

Best known for its subscription plans, Manga Planet is an online distribution service for officially licensed English-language manga. In its catalog are hundreds of titles of various genres from mangaka, independent artists, and publishers such as Kodansha Ltd., Shodensha Publishing, Home-sha, Inc., futurecomics Co. Ltd., Tokyomangasha, and COMPASS Inc.

Whether you’re familiar with Manga Planet or hearing about it for the first time, tune in to the panel to discover what the service has to offer. Find out what’s changed since Manga Planet’s merger with its Boys’ Love (BL)-focused brand futekiya, and be the first to hear about upcoming releases and service improvements.

See you there!

Event Details

Date: Saturday, July 1

Time: 12:30 pm–01:30 pm PDT

Venue: Room 511, Los Angeles Convention Center

Panelists: Daisuke Takahashi (Director, FANTASISTA), Natsuyuki Tagashira (Merchandising Manager, DNP), and  Gladys Angala (Events Coordinator, FANTASISTA)

About Manga Planet

Manga Planet started in 2012 as a joint project between FANTASISTA, INC. and Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. to research the ways manga is read throughout the world. 

In 2019, Manga Planet launched the Boys’ Love (BL) subscription service futekiya Library, followed by the multi-genre Manga Planet Library in the same year. Both libraries were merged into one Manga Planet in April 2023.

Bridging the needs of international manga fans and the Japanese manga industry, Manga Planet pushes for affordable access to officially licensed English-language manga through its subscription plan, as well as newly added options to purchase or rent individual titles.

Manga Planet’s subscription plan starts at US$1.99 for one week. Visit Manga Planet’s official website to find out more about its service, and start by signing up for free.