We are excited to announce that “The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2” Chief Animation Director Kohei Tokuoka, Animation Producer Koichi Naruse, and Director Kazuaki Terasawa are attending #AX2023 as Guests of Honor! Studio Kafka is known for its elaborate craftsmanship with its signature title: “The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2.” Here is a chance for you to meet the main staff! Live-drawing, cosplay, and learn about the behind-the-scenes production! It’s the first time the creative team is at Anime Expo.
Event Details:
Title: Studio Kafka x The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2
Date: July 1st
Time: 3:30 PM
Location: 408
About Kohei Tokuoka
Tokuoka enrolls in Sunrise Animation Course in 2010. From 2014, he starts working on titles of bones. He has also participated in works in A-1 Pictures and Kinema Citrus. Currently he is the Chief Animation Director for anime “The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2.”
“Chaika: The Coffin Princess” Animation Director
“SHOW BY ROCK!!” Animation Director
“Noragami ARAGOTO” Animation Director/ Support of Design
“Bungo Stray Dogs” Animation Director
“Fate/Apocrypha” Animation Director
“My Hero Academia: Two Heroes” Support of Animation Director
“Sword Art Online: Alicization” Animation Director/ Sub Designer
“Josee, the Tiger and the Fish” Animation Director/ Outfit Design
“SK∞” Animation Director
ROF-MAO “A Known Letter (Shitteru Tegami)” AMV Character Design/ Animation Director
“The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2” Chief Animation Director
About Kazuaki Terasawa
Terasawa is best known for directing “The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm.” He continued as a director for “The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2” which is currently streaming.
“OVERLORD II” Assistance Director/ Storyboard/ Episode Director
“OVERLORD III” Assistance Director/ Storyboard/ Episode Director
“Card Fight!! Vanguard” Storyboard/ Episode Director
“Hairball Gonjiro/ Kedama no Gonjiro” Storyboard/ Episode Director
“Winter Gift/ Fuyu no Okurimono” Director/ Screenplay/ Storyboard
“The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm” Director
“The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2” Director/ Series Composition
About Koichi Naruse
Naruse kicked off his career in animation by joining studio VOLN. After his experience as production desk in Lapin Track, and production producer in WIT STUDIO, he has established Studio Kafka and became the representative of the studio. Currently he is the animation producer for the work, “The Ancient Magus’ Bride SEASON 2.”
If you’re interested in attending Anime Expo 2023 and seeing this Guests of Honor, be sure to grab your badge now!
We look forward to seeing all of you in-person at the Los Angeles Convention Center this July!
Anime Expo 2023 will run from July 1 through July 4 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
For more information about attending AX, check out our How to Attend guide.